Direkt zum Inhalt
Netherlands - Tax Disclosure

As a recognized PBO (ANBI), the Fondation de Luxembourg is required to publish the following information as part of a mandatory disclosure.

Name of the Institution

Fondation de Luxembourg

Legal entities and partnerships identification number (RSIN)

8257 50 817

Contact details of the institution

Postal address
12, rue Erasme P.O. Box 281
L-2012 Luxembourg


Visitor address

12, rue Erasme

L-1468 Luxembourg


Objective of the institution

Please refer to Chapter II, Art. 4, 5 and 6 of the Fondation de Luxembourg constitution (link) (18 December 2008, Number 1260/08)

Highlights of the Institution's actual policy plan

Please refer to Chapter II, Art. 4, 5 and 6 of the Fondation de Luxembourg constitution (link) (18 December 2008, Number 1260/08)

Management board composition and members

Please refer to the page dedicated to the Board of Directors (link) of the Fondation de Luxembourg.

The remuneration policy of the institution for the statutory board, management and personnel

The remuneration policy is available here (link).

Latest activity report

Please see our latest, published Annual Report (link) on the dedicated page.

Balance sheet with statement of income and expenditure

Please see our latest, published Annual Accounts (link) on the dedicated page.


The Standard form publication requirement General ANBI is accessible clicking here (link).


This page was last updated on April 25, 2024.