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Akuo_Yokoumi_Decarbonising the shea butter industry Togo
Decarbonising the shea butter industry in Togo
Empowering women, mitigating climate change and preserving natural resources.
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Kass Haff
The Kass Haff educational and biodynamic farm
Demonstrating sustainable agricultural practices to children, on their level.
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Planting Hope
Planting Hope
Growing Trees, Growing Dreams. Reforestation efforts in Mayo Banyo, Cameroon.
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© Bandjoun Station
Bandjoun Station art center, Cameroon
Bandjoun Station art center in Cameroon achieves energy independence through solar electrification.
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© Jean-Marc Bouve
Preserving biodiversity
Like this loris, in Borneo and Sumatra (Indonesia) through forest acquisition and protection.
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S'abonner à Biodiversité et changement climatique