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Passerelles numériques
Digital and technical education to enhance career paths
Malgasy youth improve their long-term career prospects through digital education.
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En route pour l'ecole
The joy of discovering the world
For girls in remote Moroccan villages, education offers a way to discover and open up to the world.
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Connecting students with new technology
In rural schools in Nepal, new technology, like the Magrid programme, keeps students connected.
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Remote lessons from remote places
Students in Bangladesh keep up with their studies through distance learning.
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Iles de Paix
Planning for greater resilience in Benin
Designing a plan to reinforce farming families’ resilience, in Benin.
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ONG Amic
School opening in Guinea-Bissau
The flame-filled inaugural event for a new bilingual school in Guinea-Bissau.
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S'abonner à Éducation Universelle