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SOS Villages d'Enfants
Finding comfort during wartime
Finding comfort in a recovery centre in Brovary, northern Ukraine, for children affected by the war.
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Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise
Supporting the Spanish flooding victims
Emergency workers in action after the devastating effects of Hurricane Dana in Valencia, Spain.
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Women empowerment through planting vegetables
Tanzanian women improve their economic status through skill development, like vegetable planting.
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Handicap International Luxembourg
Making schools accessible and inclusive
Adapted crutches let Raphaël move around with ease and independence, improving his school experience
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Un Toit pour tous
Learning opportunities for young migrants
Young migrants offered general education and, since 2020, vocational courses, like building trades.
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PSE Luxembourg
Jump into your future!
Childcare facilities offer education and opportunity for Cambodian children in extreme poverty.
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Democracy through play
A streetfootball project offers an innovative way for young people to learn about democracy.
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MSF Luxembourg
First breath
Hin So, an MSF midwife, examines a newborn at Nasser hospital in the southern part of Gaza.
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MSF Luxembourg
Karam from Gaza treated at hospital in Amman, Jordan
After narrowly escaping death, Karam, 17, undergoes physiotherapy treating severe injury.
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Unity Foundation
Science lessons in Kakira, Uganda
Rose teaches air properties, actively engaging her pupils with hands-on learning.
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S'abonner à Réduction de la Pauvreté et Cohésion Sociale