Simulating COVID-19 pandemic exit strategies


Teams from the University of Luxembourg and the Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust developped a tool to simulate safe and effective exit strategies from the pandemic.

COVID Kids: How the pandemic affects children's well-being


A study at the University of Luxembourg takes a closer look at the influence of social isolation and school closure on children’s and adolescents’ well-being and education.

Bringing sustainable energy to rural areas of Togo

The Mangrove Foundation

Togo's population faces major disparities in energy access between urban and rural areas. While 74% of urban residents enjoy relatively stable access to energy, just 5% of the rural population has the same chance. The Mangrove Foundation supports the distribution of equipment in rural areas that provides sustainable and cost-efficient energy.

Fondation Jacqueline NOEL

unter der Ägide der Fondation de Luxembourg

Die Fondation Jacqueline NOEL vergibt leistungsbezogene Stipendien an Studierende, welche ein Master- oder Doktoratsstudium in Europa in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder Internationale Entwicklung absolvieren.

Supporting grassroots organisations in Amazonia

Wild Flowers Foundation

The Wild Flowers Foundation supports initiatives to provide training, awareness and legal support to grassroots communities and organizations in Amazonia, Brazil.

Provision d'eau potable à Cuba

The Mangrove Foundation

Dans la province de Holguin, à Cuba, la Fondation Mangrove soutient une initiative d'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique du traitement de l'eau potable et de son accessibilité en zones rurale.

Optimising electricity supply through incentivized electric car charging

Fondation Enovos



Dons pour Bagatelle

Fondation La Marck

La Fondation La Marck est engagée pour la sauvegarde du Château de Bagatelle.

Fondation Norbert Friob & Fils

unter der Ägide der Fondation de Luxembourg

Ziel der "Norbert Friob & Fils Foundation" ist die Unterstützung des Jugendunternehmertums sowie die Förderung von Forschung und Behandlung neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen.


2020 Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld

Fondation CANDIDA

The Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld is awarded annually to exceptional students from the Lycée Classique d'Echternach.


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