Sled dog adventure in Laponia helps troubled teens discover their strengths

Fondation Enovos

Between the Ounaasjoki river and the Pallas highlands, 150 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, a group of teenagers discover their hidden strengths while overcoming the challenges of extreme conditions.

The 2022 Science for Society Prize awarded to the Covid-19 Task Force in a ceremony - 28.03.2023

During a ceremony on March 28th, 2023 the second annual Science for Society Prize was awarded to the Research Luxembourg COVID-19 Task Force, represented by Prof. Paul Wilmes of the University of Luxembourg.

  • Startdatum : 28.03.2023 10:00
  • End-datum : 01.07.2023 10:29

Ending destructive fishing methods to preserve ocean life

Fondation Philanthropia Europe


The project aims to transform destructive fishing methods by educating retailers and consumers on misleading labeling while encouraging responsible consumption.


Offrir des roses pour la Saint-Valentin à des personnes défavorisées

Majany Foundation

Annuellement, la Fondation Majany offre des roses aux personnes bénéficiant des services de l'association Stëmm vun der Strooss, un geste d'amour qui vise à apporter le sourire à des personnes dans le besoin et souvent à l'écart de la société.

Estafanos Beshay Fund for Vulnerable Children

unter der Ägide der Fondation de Luxembourg

Der Estafanos Beshay Fund for Vulnerable Children wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, marginalisiert und gefährdete Kinder und Jugendliche weltweit zu unterstützen.

Majany Foundation

unter der Ägide der Fondation de Luxembourg

Die Majany Foundation wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, Armut zu bekämpfen, Kinderbildung zu fördern, die natürliche Umwelt wiederherzustellen und zu schützen, sowie gefährdeten Bevölkerungsgruppen, die am meisten von der Erwärmung des Planeten betroffen sind, zu helfen.

Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Scholarship 2021

The Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Foundation

The Foundation awards annual scholarships to students residing in Luxembourg, enrolled in at least their second year of higher education, and pursuing studies in Architecture or Fine Arts leading to a recognised higher education degree.

Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Scholarship 2022

The Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Foundation

The Foundation awards annual scholarships to students residing in Luxembourg, enrolled in at least their second year of higher education, and pursuing studies in Architecture or Fine Arts leading to a recognised higher education degree.

Fondation Schleich-Lentz

Significant remodeling transformed the Maison Schleich-Lentz from a single-family home into student housing that can accomodate up to 8 students, with communal spaces as well as an art studio. Located in the center of Luxembourg in the attractive Limpertsberg neighborhood, the house welcomed its first students in November 2020.

Fondation PIOU REDO

The Cultural Centre "Les Etoiles de la Medina" in Marrakech offers a space for Moroccan youth to nurture their creativity and engage with culture with the ultimate goal of promoting social cohesion.


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