Fondation Engeleefer

Returning to work and everyday life can present unique challenges for cancer survivors. The Maison de la Vie project aims to accompany participants through this period, while offering them a peaceful retreat where they can share with others and participate in activities centered their well-being.

Maßvoll Stiftung

Clean water supply and sanitation systems have been severely compromised by the conflict in Yemen, a problem now exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project provides access to safe water for an estimated 35.500 people, many of them refugees and children.

Fondation Milly Thill

unter der Ägide der Fondation de Luxembourg

Das Ziel der Fondation Milly Thill ist die Finanzierung von Workshops zur Förderung und Verbesserung der musikalischen sowie der grafischen und plastischen Künste für Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Verhältnissen, die im SOS-Kinderdorf Kannerduerf in Luxemburg untergebracht sind oder betreut werden.

Young artists address society’s challenges through documentary film creation

Fondation Mazalbert

Supporting young documentary filmmakers in Israel as they take on topics of social importance.

‘State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda’ – a traveling exhibition made accessible to a wider public

Fondation Mazalbert

The exhibition was created by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., and has been in Luxembourg since 2019, when it was first shown at the Abbaye de Neumënster.

Understanding Jewish history through literary works

Fondation Mazalbert

With the aim of promoting critical thinking, the Fondation Mazalbert regularly supports the publication of works that examine topics relating to Jewish history and associated contemporary issues.

Philanthropy Letter - Winter 2023

Enjoy reading our Philanthropy Letter - Winter edition 2023.

Soutien à la découverte d'activités théâtrales pour jeunes en difficulté

Fondation Mazalbert


Depuis 2022, la Fondation Mazalbert soutient les activités du théâtre Etty Hillesum, situé dans la ville mixte de Ramla. Le théâtre propose des formations liés aux métiers du théâtre pour des adolescents en difficulté.



Philanthropy’s potential to deliver concrete solutions on climate change - 30.11.2022

Reporting from the Philanthropy Adviser Event held on November 30th, 2022

  • Startdatum : 30.11.2022 18:00
  • End-datum : 30.11.2022 21:00






















Katinka Rambert, Akuo Foundation





Training prison staff to recognize and respond to radicalization among inmates

Prison inmates are at a heightened risk for radicalization, but through specialized training, prison staff can play a key role in identifiying potential cases of radicalization and improving interactions with already radicalized inmates.


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