Art Panel – TEFAF Maastricht
18.03.2016 |Event organized in Maastricht by the Luxembourg Art Law and Art & Finance Association, LAFA
Table Ronde des Fondateurs sur le thème Philanthropie et Cohésion Sociale
09.03.2016 |« En quoi la philanthropie peut-elle stimuler le dialogue au sein des sociétés ? »
Applied Philanthropy – Master in Wealth Management at the Luxembourg School of Finance
21.01.2016 |For the third consecutive year, Fondation de Luxembourg’s Director General Tonika Hirdman is teaching Applied Philanthropy to the students of the Master in Wealth Management.
Stiftungen, einflussreiche Werkzeuge auf dem Weg hin zu einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaft
20.01.2016 |Reporting from the Philanthropy Advisor Event, held on February 20, 2016.
La Fondation de Luxembourg vous invite à la Fête de la Philanthropie
11.10.2015 |Second edition of the event "La philanthropie ça marche", October 17th, 2015, Luxembourg-City
Roundtable with founders of foundations active in the area of social entrepreneurship
26.03.2015 |Philanthropists coming together to discuss social entrepreneurship
Wealth and Philanthropy in Europe
05.02.2015 |Reporting from the Philanthropy Advisor Event, held on February 5, 2015.
Two-day course in philanthropy
03.02.2015 | LuxemburgFondation de Luxembourg provided, for the second time, a two-day course in philanthropy for students of the Masterprogram in Wealth Management by the Luxembourg School of Finance.
L’importance des donateurs privés dans le domaine culturel et artistique
08.10.2014 |Discussion en table ronde organisé par la Fondation de Luxembourg
Planification philanthropique successorale
18.09.2014 |Participation à une conférence