Stimuler l’entreprenariat social

Fondation Prairial

Encourager le développement de l’entreprenariat social à travers Ashoka, premier réseau mondial d’entrepreneurs sociaux



Helping underprivileged girls access education and mentoring

Fondation Prairial

The projects aims at supporting young girls from modest backgrounds to develop confidence and skills for their future professional life

Copyright: Antropia / Rêv'Elles

Bourses Bari pour les Compagnons du Devoir

Fondation La Marck

L'association des Compagnons du Devoir forme l'élite des artisans français : ébénistes, menuisiers, peintres, carreleurs, plâtriers, tailleurs de pierre, métalliers, maçons, charpentiers, couvreurs, plombiers, tapissiers, maroquiniers, cordonniers, selliers, vignerons, tonneliers, jardiniers, boulangers, pâtissiers, carrossiers, chaudronniers, mécaniciens, forgerons, fondeurs...




























































































































































































































































































Philanthropy Letter - Autumn 2017

  • Themes

  • Focus area

  • Region

  • Parent foundation

Enjoy reading our Philanthropy Letter - Autumn Edition 2017

Fondation Léa Sinner

under the aegis of Fondation de Luxembourg

The main objective of the foundation is to support students in their postgraduate studies.

Panel “Philanthropy and financing of the SDGs” at the Convergences World Forum, Paris - 05.09.2017

Fondation de Luxembourg participated in a panel at the Convergences World Forum on September 5, 2017.

  • Start date : 05.09.2017 08:00
  • End date : 05.09.2017 20:00

SECuRE – « Smart Energy Cities and Regions »

Fondation Enovos

               Copyright: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Call for proposals: social projects

Fondation Enovos

La Fondation Enovos vous invite à soumettre vos projets sociaux basés dans le Grand-Duché

    Credits: Alice da Costa

Fight poverty in the Grand-Duchy thanks to social grocery stores

Fondation Pax Christi

Support the access and the development of the “sozial Buttek” in Luxembourg


               Copyright: Caritas


Engaging the next generation through philanthropy - 11.07.2017

Reporting from the Philanthropy Adviser Event held on 12 July, 2017






Fondation de Luxembourg. All rights reserved