Urgence en Ukraine : Les ONG et les fondations réunies pour venir en aide aux victimes
Une table ronde, organisée par la Fondation de Luxembourg a permis aux fondations et ONG d’échanger sur les besoins urgents et plus longs termes des populations déplacées par la guerre.
Conference on cross border philanthropy at Musée National d’histoire et d’Art, MNHA
16.10.2019 | EuropaIn the context of its Presidency of Transnational Giving Europe (TGE), the Fondation de Luxembourg organized on 16 October 2019 a conference dedicated to « The New Trends in European Philanthropy » at MNHA.
Towards a Single Market for Philanthropy
27.02.2019 | EuropaReporting from the Philanthropy Adviser Event held on February 27th, 2019.
The Fondation de Luxembourg celebrates 10 years of Philanthropy in Action!
80 foundations created under the aegis of Fondation de Luxembourg in ten years.
Philanthropy Advisor training
The intention is to enable the private banking sector to build an internal capacity in order to address their clients’ philanthropy needs.