2024 Prix Alice Wolzfeld and Jos Wolzfeld

Fondation CANDIDA

The Fondation CANDIDA awards the Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld annually to exceptional students from the Lycée Classique d'Echternach.


From left : Tonika Hirdman, Director General of the Fondation de Luxembourg, Nathan Liénard, Henri Grethen, co-founder of the Fondation CANDIDA, Amélie Rollmann and Claire Kuffer represented by her mother.


Each year, the Prix Alice Wolzfeld and Jos Wolzfeld is awarded to three students of the Lycée Classique d'Echternach having received both the best marks on their final exams and the best marks in the subjects of Latin, French and History. This year, the scholarships were awarded by the co-founder of the Fondation CANDIDA, Monsieur Henri Grethen, during a ceremony on July 11, 2024 in the premises of the Fondation de Luxembourg.


The 2024 laureats are:


  • Claire Kuffer (Top student, Latin)
  • Nathan Liénard (Top student, French)
  • Amélie Rollmann (Top student, History)


Monsieur Grethen congratulated the laureates: "The Fondation CANDIDA is proud to support these young people, who have demonstrated admirable dedication in their work.  We wish them much success in their future academic endeavors."


Created in memory of professors Alice Wolzfeld and Jos Wolzfeld, the Fondation CANDIDA, a foundation created under the auspices of the Fondation de Luxembourg, engages in the cultural and social domains as well as in the arts and development aid.


Henri Grethen, Fondation CANDIDA and Nathan Liénard, who had the best marks overall in French.


Henri Grethen, Fondation CANDIDA and Amélie Rollmann, who had the best marks overall in History.


Henri Grethen, Fondation CANDIDA and the representative (mother) of Claire Kuffer (pictured right), who had the best marks overall in Latin.


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