« Une passion royale pour l’art » - Villa Vauban - 03.09.2014

Visite guidée de l’exposition sur la collection de Guillaume II des Pays-Bas et Anna Pavlovna

  • Start date : 03.09.2014
  • End date : 03.09.2014
image for « Une passion royale pour l’art » - Villa Vauban

Supporting the arts through an art foundation - 07.07.2014

Reporting from the Philanthropy Advisor Event, held on July 7, 2014.

  • Start date : 07.07.2014
  • End date : 07.07.2014
image for Supporting the arts through an art foundation

Fondation Avita Novare

under the aegis of Fondation de Luxembourg


The objective of the foundation is to support and stimulate studies on the themes of Late Antiquity and Byzantine Civilization.

Copyright: Wikiwand

Construction of a shelter home for young workers in the gold mines

Fondation Linckels-Voss - CLOSED


The center is built for young people from the gold mine sites of the commune of Tougouri in Burkina Faso

Copyright: Fondation Follereau

Tond Tenga agricultural school in Burkina Faso

Fondation Olivier - CLOSED


Training of agents to promote an ecological approach to farming


Copyright: F. Fischbach

Les Bourses Michelle

Fondation Michelle - CLOSED

Prix d’Excellence 2014

Fondation Enovos


For the third time, Fondation Enovos rewarded the best engineering students

Click on the image to see the film, Copyright: Enovos

School enrollment in the Agadez region of Niger

Stiftung Pflanzen für Menschen - CLOSED


The aim is to double the number of children attending school in three years. 

Copyright: Carsten Luther, CARE


Fondation de Luxembourg. All rights reserved