Fondation Été

sous l’égide de la Fondation de Luxembourg


Provides flexible and non-bureaucratic support to individual educational, cultural and social projects in Luxembourg


Even though Luxembourg has developed a well-organised and professional system of structural help for organisations and NGOs, the administrative burden linked to benefit of this aid, has grown in parallel. Quite often cultural and social actors, groups of idealists or activists require only a minimal but concrete support in order to set up a show, produce a first CD, shoot an exceptional film or concentrate on the design of a piece of art, enable young people to access pedagogical means that their parents are unable to afford or organise regular courses for people living on the edge of society.


Fondation Été, founded by a Luxembourger, aims to be a non-bureaucratic helping hand that can ease or accelerate specific projects in the educational, cultural and social sector in Luxembourg.

Copyright: Fondation ETE


Fondation de Luxembourg. Tous droits réservés