Concours pour les étudiants ingénieurs 2021
Fondation Enovos
Biodiversité et Changement climatique -
Recherche , Energies renouvelables , Education -
Projet terminé -
In honour of its 10th edition, the "Prix d'Excellence" of the Fondation Enovos was awarded to this year's laureates at a special ceremony on October 29th, 2021
The Fondation Enovos launched its "Prix d'Excellence" in 2012 with the goal of rewarding and encouraging top students pursing their studies and careers in the field of engineering.
Every year since, an independent jury composed of members of the Da Vinci Association (Association Luxembourgeoise des Ingénieurs, Architectes et Industriels) has selected the best Master's theses, offering each winner a €2,500 prize.
This year, the 10th edition of the "Prix d'Excellence" took place at the Forum Da Vinci in Luxembourg. The event was held under the COVID Check regime.
The 2021 laureates are:
- Joe Haentges: Automatisierte Bilderzeugung und -klassifikation verschiedener Förderelemente der Intralogistik durch Anwendung maschinellen Lernens
- Yves Heuschling: Entwicklung einer Methodik für den Flügelvorentwurf unter Zuhilfenahme einer aerodynamischen Profildatenbank
- Elisa Urbain: La pompe à chaleur comme installation de référence au sein de la législation luxembourgeoise
- Elsan Huremovic & Halida Ramdedovic: Seismic assessment and retrofitting of non-seismically designed reinforced concrete structures considering realistic joint behavior – A numerical study
- Ben Weber: Material anisotropy in wire and arc additively manufactured structures
- Julie Vesque: Aufbau, Inbetriebnahme und CFD Simulation einer Anlage zur Bestimmung der Strömungszustände bei der pneumatischen Förderung von Schüttgütern am Beispiel von Teff Samen