Philanthropy, Impact Investing Can Work Side-By-Side - Foundation

Artikel aus dem WealthBriefing vom 28. September 2017 


Despite the differences in philanthropy and impact investing, Tonika Hirdman, director general of the Fondation de Luxembourg, which was created in 2008, says the industries can work together.


Philanthropy is a financial sector which sees money donated to help great causes without the want for a return. According to Coutts’ Million Dollars Donor Report 2016, $56 billion was donated within 2,197 donations across the UK, US and Middle East. Alongside philanthropy is impact investing, which is investing in companies that make a difference globally in the hope to make a profitable return. Investors plan to commit $25.9 billion in assets to impact investment deals this year, a 17 per cent increase from the year before, according to a survey by the Global Impact Investing Network.


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