2021 Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld

Fondation CANDIDA

The Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld is awarded annually to exceptional students from the Lycée Classique d'Echternach.

Continuing education for young, hospitalized patients in Lebanon

Fondation Josée Wolter-Hirtt

Severely ill and hospitalized children in Lebanon, regardless of nationality, religion or gender, are provided the opportunity to continue their education while they undergo treatment.

Press release: Two new members appointed to the Board of Directors

Danièle Wagener and Yves Kuhn have recently been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Fondation de Luxembourg. 

Recherche en matière de cellules souches de stimulateur cardiaque

Fondation Coeur - Daniel Wagner

Un projet de recherche, mené par Dr. Fabrice Darche, qui vise à améliorer le traitement du dysfonctionnement du noeud sinusal. 

Sensibilisation des jeunes aux gestes de premiers secours cardio-vasculaires

Fondation Coeur - Daniel Wagner

Savoir réagir en cas de détresse cardio-vasculaire peut sauver des vies. La Fondation Cœur Daniel Wagner soutient un projet de sensibilisation aux gestes de premiers secours mené par le Luxembourg Resuscitation Council en partenariat avec le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale.

Affordable housing for students of the University of Luxembourg

Fondation Schleich-Lentz

The recently renovated ‘Maison Schleich-Lentz’ offers affordable housing for up to 8 students from the University of Luxembourg.

The "Maison Schleich-Lentz" in Limpertsberg

Recycling centers in Karoo, South Africa create employment and encourage sustainability

The Covenant Foundation

Two new recycling centers aim to create job opportunities and encourage sustainability for impoverished rural communities in Karoo, South Africa.

Emergency COVID-19 relief for health centres in India

Maßvoll Stiftung

In response to the catastrophic rise in COVID-19 cases in India in May 2021, the Massvoll Stiftung, under our aegis, launched an emergency support through the organization Médecins sans Frontières.



MSF Medical Doctor Interpreting Chest X-Ray of a six-year-old MDR TB girl patient. 

© Atul Loke

Prix d'Excellence 2021

Fondation Enovos

In honour of its 10th edition, the "Prix d'Excellence" of the Fondation Enovos was awarded to this year's laureates at a special ceremony on October 29th, 2021


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