Past events
Supporting the arts through an art foundation
07.07.2014 |Reporting from the Philanthropy Advisor Event, held on July 7, 2014.
"The Power of Philanthropy in Academics" - discussion en table ronde
05.03.2014 |Organisé par la Fondation de Luxembourg le mercredi 5 mars 2014, cette table ronde a réuni les fondations abritées sous son égide et actives dans le monde académique et de la recherche.
Private Banking is dead: now what?
06.02.2014 | LuxembourgFondation de Luxembourg participated in the Private Bankers' day 2014 in Luxembourg
Cercle des philanthropes
23.01.2014 |Événement organisé par le “Monde des Fondations”.
Seminar about alternative statutes for foundations
21.01.2014 |Reporting from the Philanthropy Advisor Event, held on January 21, 2014
Two-day course in philanthropy
13.01.2014 | LuxembourgFondation de Luxembourg provided a two-day course in philanthropy for students of the Masterprogram in Wealth Management by the Luxembourg School of Finance.
Testimony of an active philanthropist – reporting from philanthropy advisor event
24.01.2013 |Senior Wealth Advisers discussed about philanthropy
Quand les représentants d’entreprises internationales partagent leurs expériences philanthropiques
05.12.2012 |Une table ronde organisé par la Fondation de Luxembourg
Philanthropy conference October 1, 2012: “La Philanthropie ça marche”!
01.10.2012 |A full day for all of those who chose to engage for public interest.
Liechtenstein Congress on Sustainable Development and Responsible Investing 2-4 May 2012
02.05.2012 |Philanthropic Advisor, Nicolas Vernier, represented on workshop about sustainability frameworks for foundations.