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Fondations & Projets
The Fondation du Pélican de Mie et Pierre Hippert-Faber, in line with its objectives and under the Hippert Research Program, launches the second edition of its Call for Research Projects.
This year's Call for Research Projects aims to contribute to the financing of research projects, preferably at the University of Luxembourg, and focused exclusively on the fight against neurodegenerative diseases and oncology research.
The Fondation du Pélican de Mie and Pierre Hippert-Faber (Foundation) was created under the aegis of Fondation de Luxembourg in 2010 by Mr. Pierre Hippert, in memory of his wife. A former Luxembourg pharmacist, Pierre Hippert was passionate about science and the arts, and through his foundation, wished to support initiatives aimed at encouraging research, particularly in the fields of scientific and academic research. While Pierre Hippert unfortunately passed away in 2021 at the age of 92, his vision continues to shine through his Foundation.
In this regard, the Fondation du Pélican seeks to provide long-term support in the field of biomedicine and biotechnology.
Eligible applicants are public institutions performing research, in Luxembourg, i.e, research units, research laboratories or research entities attached to the University of Luxembourg.
The submitted projects can take place within the University of Luxembourg, in the frame of partnerships. The project proposals can be based on a previously achieved project to deepen a new research path and/or create a new strategic trajectory of research. The principal investigators of project proposals should preferably be representatives of the University of Luxembourg.
Luxembourg public institutions are only eligible if they can offer for the full duration of the project, a non-permanent employment contract of at least 24 months for post-docs and at least 36 months for PhD candidates.
Research and development experts, laboratory technicians and other personnel supporting the work of PhD students and post-docs, must not exceed 33% of the total cost allocated to the project's Human Resources. The type of contract, permanent or non-permanent, does not apply to these previous categories. Research directors and other management positions are not eligible for funding
The project proposal may be carried in collaboration with one or more public research institutions in Luxembourg or abroad. Only the collaborating institutions in Luxembourg can receive funds. This is limited to a maximum of 40% of the total project budget.
The collaborating institution(s) in Luxembourg or abroad should be ensured that the collaborating institutions will be able to offer scientific guidance as well as office and /or laboratory space, when applicable.
Any additional Institutions based in Luxembourg which play a major role in the execution of the project should be listed under “Collaborating Institution”.
The project must be sufficiently detailed to facilitate its evaluation by the assessors. The duration of the project must be specified and should not exceed three years. The project budget must be detailed, especially if other partners are involved. The annual funding per project from Fondation du Pélican may not exceed €250,000. The total budget per project funded by the Fondation du Pelican for the total duration of the proposal may not exceed €600.000. A maximum of three projects may be selected. The contribution or guarantee of co-financing from the research partnership will be greatly appreciated (contribution in kind or other source of funding, for example).
To recap; the costs mainly covered in the framework of the project’s duration and for its exclusive benefit : non-permanent positions for the Phds and Post-docs, purchase of new equipment & software, material and laboratory rental, consumables for the benefit of the project’s workplan/experimentation, research stays for the benefit of the project (duration limited to two months), trainings with regard to the need for new equipment, new research methods, etc.
Please consider the (non-mandatory) appendices as part of the submission process and as an opportunity to provide additional information to enrich the quality of the application content and create added value for your proposal. You should not copy and paste the content of the online application into the appendices.
An independent jury composed of external scientific experts will review the submitted applications. These independent external experts will be identified by the Foundation based on their respective experience, background, and associated skills in the targeted domain.
The jury provides its evaluation results to the Management Committee of the Foundation, which will validate the final grantee(s). The ranking and recommendation of the jury shall be so endorsed by the Foundation. This decision is final and shall not be subject to appeal. If the jury considers that none of the applicants qualify for funding, the Foundation may decide not to allocate the funds. The funding will be allocated to the research project/program, not an individual.
The members of the jury will evaluate the applications based on the following criteria:
The application procedure has two main steps. Applicants must first submit their intention to apply in writing to project.request@fdlux.lu, with the subject heading "2025 Pelican Research Program". All intentions to apply must be received within the period of pre-submission, until 6 December 2024, 14:00 CET.
In this email, applicants must provide: Name, Surname, Title, Position, Institution /Organization, Postal Address, Phone Number, Email, Project title and a concise text presenting your project (Max 1500 Characters).
Applicants will then receive a link to access the online Grant Application Form with a Log-in ID and Password. After accessing this form, applicants must complete their FULL APPLICATION via the online Grant Application Form by 13 January 2025, 14:00 CET, at the latest.
The laureate(s) will be informed of the final decision by June 2025. The laureate(s) will be invited to present their research project at the latest in September 2025 during a kick-off meeting with the jury of independent experts. Up to three projects maximum could be selected.
For further questions, please write by email to project.request@fdlux.lu.
The Foundation will directly reward the laureate(s). A due diligence process will be applied to potential laureates to verify their probity and integrity.
Please keep in mind the documentation to attach to the completed application: