Program Structure


The program is constituted of two parts:
  • Common building block:
o   Introducing the topic of philanthropy
o   Related structures
o   How to guide clients and discuss their philanthropic aspirations
o   Examples of projects and initiatives, donor testimony
This first part will last about for to six hours and will be provided by Fondation de Luxembourg and by external speakers.
o   International legal and tax framework overview, positioning of the topic and general concepts. The course will be held by experts from PricewaterhouseCoopers Luxembourg.
  • Modular legal and tax framework, country specifics: one of the main added values of the wealth advisors in relation to their clients is concerning their tax advising expertise. In view of this, it is important that the training should provide an extensive and broad overview of these matters, covering the various countries most represented amongst private banking clients in Luxembourg. The participants are offered the possibility to follow the training regarding the specific countries they cover through modules they can freely choose.

Each country will be covered extensively during half a day. External consultants from PricewaterhouseCoopers international network will be engaged for this part of the program.

As a summary, the program will last between one and a half and three days, depending on the countries the participants wish to focus on.







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