The Winter 2023 Philanthropy Letter from Fondation de Luxembourg is now available
Universal Education -
Focus area
Philanthropy -
Parent foundation
The Winter 2023 Philanthropy Letter from Fondation de Luxembourg looks at initiatives helping children and adolescents achieve a brighter future through artistic expression and access to quality education.
Discover the following articles:
- Empowering Youth through Artistic Expression, an interview with Nabil Ayouch, co-founder of the Fondation Ali Zaoua
- Scolariser les filles pour un meilleur avenir, un article de Tina Kieffer, fondatrice de l'association Toutes à l'Ecole
- La philanthropie posthume grâce à une fondation dormante, un article de la Fondation de Luxembourg
- La Fondation Milly Thill : Une fondation dormante qui devient active
- Giving Back Amid Uncertainty: How attitudes toward philanthropy are changing, with contributions from Luca Derlin (Deutsche Bank Luxembourg), Luc Rodesch (Banque de Luxembourg), Sandrine De Vuyst (ING Luxembourg), and Eliseo Graziani (Edmond de Rothschild Europe).
Read the Winter 2023 Philanthropy Letter here.