“Dys-Positiv” Project

ATOZ Foundation


Supporting children in Luxembourg suffering from dyslexia


As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), “Dyslexia is a specific, durable and persistent disorder of written language acquisition occurring in a child of normal intelligence in a proper school environment, and with also no sensory disorder, emotional, or major socio-cultural deficit”. According to WHO sources, 8 to 12% of the world population has dyslexia. Children with a disorder “dys” are often seen as lazy, lethargic and with lower intelligence.


Concrete and effective plans to help these children did not really exist in Luxembourg until now. “Dys-positiv”, a project supported in collaboration with Caritas Luxembourg, offers comprehensive care services for children. It provides a diagnosis, followed by professional and therapeutic helps from psychologists and an educator.


It is mostly the parents who will have to fund the cost of therapy, knowing that many families cannot afford to pay the requested amounts. Through the project “Service Dys-positiv”, the Atoz Foundation offers assistance to families with low incomes to co-finance the costs of therapy and supports the “Dys-positiv” activities.




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