Prix d'Excellence 2021
In honour of its 10th edition, the "Prix d'Excellence" of the Fondation Enovos was awarded to this year's laureates at a special ceremony on October 29th, 2021
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Research , Renewable Energies , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
2022 Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld
The Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld is awarded annually to exceptional students from the Lycée Classique d'Echternach.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation CANDIDA
- Region
- Luxembourg
HorCoVIS: A study on Covid-19 infection severity
A team at the Luxembourg Institute of Health analyzed how the hormonal status of patients prior to an infection could be associated with the severity of their symptoms and possibly used as a predictive tool.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Dons au musée d'Orléans
En 2022, deux dons ont été faits au musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art , Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
2023 Prix Alice Wolzfeld and Jos Wolzfeld
The Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld is awarded annually to exceptional students from the Lycée Classique d'Echternach.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation CANDIDA
- Region
- Luxembourg
Family strengthening program in Sinje, Liberia
The objective of this program is to improve the overall situation of minor children by strengthening the vulnerable families who support them.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Development
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Linckels-Voss - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa
Projet ONE à Ourgench en Ouzbékistan
Project ONE’s objective is to contribute in ensuring children’s rights in the Khorezm region in Uzbekistan. The purpose is to guarantee a secured family support type and to ensure a quality educational environment for the children involved who have lost parental support or who are at risk of losing it.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth , Orphans
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Stiftung Pflanzen für Menschen - CLOSED
- Region
- Asia
The Fondation Tremplin Prize Award
The objective of the Fondation Tremplin Prize Award was to promote the development and consolidation of innovative social business projects in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
- Themes
- Health and Research, Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Social Enterprise
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Tremplin - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Workshops Fondation La Violette
In collaboration with Fondation Cancer, Fondation La Violette provides art therapy workshops to cancer patients.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Cancer , Art Therapy
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Violette
- Region
- Europe
Construction of dormitories for indigenous students
Construction of dormitories for 48 indigenous university students from the states of Goias and Tocantins in Palmas, Brazil
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Poverty , Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Linckels-Voss - CLOSED
- Region
- Brazil
Support for the creation and production of the magazine LA VILLA
The magazine called LA VILLA was designed to make the content of the exhibitions at the Villa Vauban even more accessible to visitors.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation du Pélican de Mie et Pierre Hippert-Faber
- Region
- Luxembourg
Photovoltaic energy
Research project in the field of photovoltaic energy
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Europe
Responding to climate change through mangrove protection in the Philippines
The mangrove forests in the region of Panguil Bay in the Philippines play a critical in providing necessary ressources for the local population.
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Nature Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Mangrove Foundation
- Region
- Asia
Reforesting and sustainable forest management in Senegal
Unsustainable farming and deforestation by a growing population have increased the progression of the Sahara desert, resulting in increased poverty and environmental problems.
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Nature Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Mangrove Foundation
- Region
- Africa
Women empowerment in India
Helping women in India to gain more self-confidence.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Mangrove Foundation
- Region
- Asia
“Dys-Positiv” Project
Supporting children in Luxembourg suffering from dyslexia
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- ATOZ Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
“Méi a besser léieren” Project
Individualised support by professionals to help children who have problems at school.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- ATOZ Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Healthcare to the Hospital of Gondoma in Sierra Leone
Scientific study to improve healthcare in the MSF Hospital of Gondoma in Sierra Leone.
- Themes
- Health and Research, Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Research , Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Germanus Stiftung - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa, Luxembourg
Family strengthening and educational programmes in Senegal
Care for families in Senegal
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Poverty , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Germanus Stiftung - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa
First cultural awards of The Loo & Lou Foundation
In the framework of its support for artists and their creations, "The Loo & Lou Foundation" provided two awards to artists for the event "Nuit Blanche 2013”, which took place in Paris on October 5, 2013.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Loo & Lou Foundation
- Region
- France
School enrollment in the Agadez region of Niger
The aim is to double the number of children attending school in three years.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Poverty , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Stiftung Pflanzen für Menschen - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa
Prix d’Excellence 2014
For the third time, Fondation Enovos rewarded the best engineering students
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Les Bourses Michelle
These scholarships are open to talented young classical musicians from Luxembourg and Europe.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Michelle - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Tond Tenga agricultural school in Burkina Faso
Training of agents to promote an ecological approach to farming
- Themes
- Universal Education, Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Sustainability , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Olivier - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa
Construction of a shelter home for young workers in the gold mines
The center is built for young people from the gold mine sites of the commune of Tougouri in Burkina Faso
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Poverty , Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Linckels-Voss - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa
Healthcare and Women Empowerment in Bangladesh
Providing healthcare in the poorest regions of Bangladesh, by educating women.
- Themes
- Health and Research, Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Poverty , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Mangrove Foundation
- Region
- Asia
La Table de Teschen
Un symbole de la paix et de l'unité en Europe va entrer au Musée du Louvre
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Accelerating the action to end female genital mutilation in Ethiopia
Fondation Espoir, now closed, supported victims of feminine genital mutilation in Ethiopia
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Development
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Espoir - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa
Family strengthening in the city of Tahoua, Niger
The objective of this project is to provide help to children in need
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Olivier - CLOSED
- Region
- Africa
Improving the health systems in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesj
Training program for 86 health auxiliaries
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Olivier - CLOSED
- Region
Strenthgening of the educational system in Malawi
Promoting preschool and primary education
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Olivier - CLOSED
- Region
Prix d’Excellence 2015
For the fourth time, Fondation Enovos rewarded the best engineering students
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Des châteaux du bonheur
Rénovation du château d'Achy par les petits frères des Pauvres pour le rendre accessible à des personnes à mobilité réduite.
- Themes
- Focus area
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Soutien au collège interconfessionnel de Jaffa
La Fondation de Luxembourg, à travers la fondation La Marck, soutient le collège interconfessionnel de Jaffa (Israël) en finançant des bourses d'études.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- Israel
Une tapisserie de Beauvais pour le Louvre
Les Astronomes
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Medical care for migrants in Serbia
Médecins Sans Frontières provided medical care to migrants in Serbia
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Germanus Stiftung - CLOSED
- Region
La Pierre d'Angle
Projet soutenu par la Fondation La Marck
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education , Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- Europe
Prix d’Excellence 2016
For the fifth time, Fondation Enovos rewarded the best engineering students
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Erweiterung der Waldorfschule in Luxembourg
AMSC Stiftung unterstützt den Ausbau der Waldorfschule in Luxembourg
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- AMSC Stiftung
- Region
- Luxembourg
Stimuler l’entreprenariat social
Encourager le développement de l’entreprenariat social à travers Ashoka, premier réseau mondial d’entrepreneurs sociaux
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Social Enterprise , Venture Philanthropy
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Prairial
- Region
- France
Supporting abandoned and mistreated children in Nicaragua
Providing shelter and rehabilitation facilities to street children
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Verso
- Region
- South America
SECuRE – « Smart Energy Cities and Regions »
Intégrer les énergies renouvelables dans les réseaux des villes de demain
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Sustainability , Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
« Fit 4 School – Fit 4 Life »
Supporting education of children with difficulties hosted in foster homes in Luxembourg
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- ATOZ Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Extension de l’école Waldorf à Luxembourg
AMSC Stiftung appuie le développement de l’école Waldorf de Luxembourg
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- AMSC Stiftung
- Region
- Luxembourg
Publication d'ouvrages à portée culturelle et sociétale
Soutien à plusieurs collections d'ouvrages de sensibilisation aux questions sociétales
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation R: des révolutions minuscules pour “réparer“ la société - CLOSED
- Region
- France
Mécénat grand-ducal
Soutien à l'Institut Grand-Ducal dans le cadre de la sauvegarde de sa collection de livres anciens
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education , Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- Luxembourg
Prix d’Excellence 2017
For the sixth time, Fondation Enovos rewarded the best engineering students
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Bourses Bari pour les Compagnons du Devoir
L'association des Compagnons du Devoir forme l'élite des artisans français : ébénistes, menuisiers, peintres, carreleurs, plâtriers, tailleurs de pierre, métalliers, maçons, charpentiers, couvreurs, plombiers, tapissiers, maroquiniers, cordonniers, selliers, vignerons, tonneliers, jardiniers, boulangers, pâtissiers, carrossiers, chaudronniers, mécaniciens, forgerons, fondeurs...
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Un coffre au trésor
Soutien à l'enrichissement des collections du Louvre
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art , Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Prix d'Excellence 2018
For the seventh time, Fondation Enovos rewarded the best engineering students.
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Bourses 2018 de la Fondation Pierre Werner
Ces bourses ont pour objet de soutenir des projets de recherche et d'études ayant traits à l’unification européenne, aux questions monétaires, à la démocratie ou aux droits de l’homme dans tous les pays du continent européen.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Pierre Werner
- Region
- Luxembourg
Bourses 2017 de la Fondation Pierre Werner
Ces bourses ont pour objet de soutenir des projets de recherche et d'études ayant traits à l’unification européenne, aux questions monétaires, à la démocratie ou aux droits de l’homme dans tous les pays du continent européen.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Pierre Werner
- Region
- Luxembourg
Supporting the social and educational programs of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York
The objective is to facilitate arts-based learning opportunities for a wide variety of audiences
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education , Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Maire and Carl Gustaf Ehrnrooth Foundation
- Region
- South America
Supporting scientific research at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Turku in Finland
The project aim is to support the study of complex systems theory and its applications.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research , Philanthropy
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- emmy.network foundation - CLOSED, Maire and Carl Gustaf Ehrnrooth Foundation
- Region
- Finland
Breaking the cycle of poverty through the support of underprivileged children
Supporting disadvantaged schoolchildren by providing balanced meals, homework support and school material
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Covenant Foundation
- Region
- Africa
Food baskets for families in need in Yemen
Delivering food baskets to displaced families with children
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Maßvoll Stiftung
- Region
The right to education for South Sudanese refugee children
Supporting the education of refugee children in Sudan, Uganda and South Sudan while promoting equal opportunities for girls
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Maßvoll Stiftung
- Region
Prix d'Excellence 2019
For the eighth time, Fondation Enovos rewarded the best engineering students
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Research , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Tyvek 600+ Project in collaboration with the Robert Schuman Hospital Foundation
In the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the Robert Schuman Hospital Foundation, attentive to the needs of doctors and nurses involved in the fight against the virus and aware of the difficulties in the medical equipment supply chain, set up a project for the production, within the Grand Duchy, of protective suits made of Tyvek 600+.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Philanthropy , Care for the elderly
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Prix d'Excellence 2020
The Fondation Enovos "Prix d'Excellence" was awarded to five engineering students on November 14th, 2020.
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Fondation Pierre Werner 2019 Scholarships
These scholarships are intended to support research and study projects relating to European unification, monetary questions, democracy or human rights in all countries of the European continent.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Pierre Werner
- Region
- Luxembourg
Fondation Pierre Werner 2020 Scholarships
These scholarships are intended to support research and study projects relating to European unification, monetary questions, democracy or human rights in all countries of the European continent.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Pierre Werner
- Region
- Luxembourg
Building schools from recycled plastic in Côte d’Ivoire
In Côte d’Ivoire, approximately 2 million children are out of school due to lack of classrooms and overcrowding. At the same time, the country is suffocating in plastic waste: out of 288 tons of plastic waste produced daily in Abidjan, only 5% is recycled.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Children & Youth , Education , Social Enterprise
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Maßvoll Stiftung
- Region
- Africa
Improving access to safe water and sanitation in Yemen
The Maßvoll Stiftung is supporting the WASH program, part of a larger UNICEF emergency relief program, which contributes to hygiene and clean water initiatives in the wake of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Maßvoll Stiftung
- Region
- Asia
Recherche sur Alzheimer
A partir de 2019, la fondation s’est engagée à soutenir deux projets de recherches sur la maladie d’Alzheimer, menés à l’hôpital parisien de la Pitié-Salpêtrière par les docteurs Stéphane Epelbaum et Nicolas Villain. L’un et l’autre vont s’étaler sur plusieurs années.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- Luxembourg, France
Prix Jacques Toledano 2020
Created in 2020 by the Institut Weizmann des Sciences France and supported by the Jacques Toledano Foundation, the Prix Jacques Toledano awards a post-doctoral fellow from a French laboratory with financial assistance.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Jacques Toledano Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Israel, France
Un ascenseur miraculeux
En 2019, les Filles de la Charité de Saint Vincent de Paul, qui ont fondé un réseau d’écoles, de crèches, de foyers et d’hôpitaux au Liban, et dont la maison provinciale est à Beyrouth-Achrafieh, nous ont demandé de financer un ascenseur pour leur école primaire de Beyrouth-Rmeil, dite école de l’Immaculée Conception, dirigée par sœur Marlène et qui accueille essentiellement des enfants de réfugiés.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- Middle-East
Supporting research fellows at the University of Oxford's Keble College
Through a collaboration with the Keble College at the University of Oxford, the Emmy Network supported and brought together researchers with a senior visiting fellowship and graduate scholarship.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- emmy.network foundation - FERMÉE
- Region
- Europe
Chaire Jacques Toledano pour le dialogue des cultures
La Chaire Jacques Toledano pour le dialogue des cultures a été créé par l'Institut Universitaire Elie Wiesel et la Fondation Jacques Toledano, avec le soutien de la Fondation du Judaïsme Français.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education , Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Die Jacques Toledano-Stiftung - ABGESCHLOSSEN
- Region
- France
Jacques Toledano Chair for Cultural Dialogue
The Jacques Toledano Chair for Cultural Dialogue was created by the Institut Universitaire Elie Wiesel and the Jacques Toledano Foundation, with the support of the Fondation du Judaïsme Français.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education , Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Jacques Toledano Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- France
La découverte d'activités théâtrales pour jeunes en difficulté
Depuis 2019, la Fondation Jacques Toledano soutient les activités du théâtre Etty Hillesum, situé dans un quartier défavorisé de Tel Aviv. Le théâtre propose des formations liés aux métiers du théâtre pour des adolescents en difficulté.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Children & Youth , Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Jacques Toledano Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Israel
Soutenir des étudiants nécessiteux
La pandémie actuelle de COVID-19 a un effet dévastateur sur les étudiants universitaires en situation précaire.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Tablettes pour lutter contre l'isolement
Grâce à un soutien venant de la Fondation COVID-19, la Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise a pu distribuer 45 tablettes à trois différents services dans un objectif de lutter contre l'isolement.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty , Care for the elderly
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Des bons alimentaires pour des familles dans le besoin
Dans le cadre du confinement, la Fondation COVID-19 a soutenu les familles ayant besoin d'aide pour l'achat des aliments et des produits de premier nécessité.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Le Centre d’Accueil, de Soins et d’Orientation (CASO) de Bonnevoie
Le centre de soins, tenu par Médecins du Monde Luxembourg, offre des consultations médicales pour les personnes en situation précaire, malgré les défis de la crise sanitaire.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Volunteer work , Poverty , Care for the elderly
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
CORONAFATE, Studying the behaviour of Sars-Cov-2 in Luxembourg's wastewater
A research team at LIST is deepening their knowledge of the behaviour of SARS-CoV-2 in sewers in Luxembourg according to climatic conditions.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
The Demographic, Economic, Social and Psychological Impact of COVID‐19
Researchers at the University of Luxembourg are investigating which factors predict levels of psychological distress and well-being associated with the current social-distancing measures.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
A refrigerated van for meal distribution
Thanks to a donation from the Lombard Odier Foundation via the COVID-19 Foundation, Stëmm vun der Strooss was able to acquire a new refrigerated van for its meal distribution programme.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Volunteer work , Poverty , Philanthropy
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Fondation Pierre Werner 2021 Scholarships
The Fondation Pierre Werner scholarships are intended to support research and study projects relating to European unification, monetary questions, democracy or human rights in all countries of the European continent.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Pierre Werner
- Region
- Luxembourg
2020 Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld
The Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld is awarded annually to exceptional students from the Lycée Classique d'Echternach.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation CANDIDA
- Region
- Luxembourg
William Kentridge Exhibition
The Loo & Lou Foundation is supporting the latest exhibition of the artist William Kentridge (b. 1955, Johannesburg) at Mudam.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Loo & Lou Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Optimising electricity supply through incentivized electric car charging
The Fondation Enovos is supporting the research project INDUCTIVE which seeks to utilize electric car charging flexibility to balance the demand on energy suppliers.
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Sustainability , Research , Renewable Energies
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Secure emergency transport of COVID-19 patients
Equipping Luxembourg Air Rescue stretchers with protective shells to transport vulnerable COVID-19 patients.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
A support network for homeless people
The Fondation COVID-19 supported an initiative led by the association Entourage that informed and guided homeless people during the initial lockdown, making sure they had access to basic necessities.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- France
Simulating COVID-19 pandemic exit strategies
Teams from the University of Luxembourg and the Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust developped a tool to simulate safe and effective exit strategies from the pandemic.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
COVID Kids: How the pandemic affects children's well-being
A study at the University of Luxembourg takes a closer look at the influence of social isolation and school closure on children’s and adolescents’ well-being and education.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- COVID-19 Foundation - CLOSED
- Region
- Luxembourg
Emergency COVID-19 relief for health centres in India
In response to the catastrophic rise in COVID-19 cases in India in May 2021, the Massvoll Stiftung, under our aegis, launched an emergency support through the organization Médecins sans Frontières.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Volunteer work , Philanthropy , HIV / Aids
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Maßvoll Stiftung
- Region
- India
2021 Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld
The Prix Alice Wolzfeld et Jos Wolzfeld is awarded annually to exceptional students from the Lycée Classique d'Echternach.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation CANDIDA
- Region
- Luxembourg
2021 Science for Society Prize: Empowering Evidence-Informed Public Debates
Science for Society Prize bolsters the fight against Fake News
- Themes
- Health and Research, Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Research
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Science for Society Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Un tableau historique de Simon Vouet entre dans les collections publiques
Les Anges portant la colonne de la Passion
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Soutien pour les personnes SDF en France
Soutien d’urgence des personnes sans domicile fixe face à la Covid-19
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Poverty
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Jeankerber
- Region
- France
Lutte contre les violences sexuelles et sexistes en France
Soutien d’une campagne de sensibilisation contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles chez les jeunes en France.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Jeankerber
- Region
- France
Fondation Pierre Werner 2022 Scholarships
The Fondation Pierre Werner scholarships are intended to support research and study projects relating to European unification, monetary matters, democracy or human rights in all countries of the European continent.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Research , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Pierre Werner
- Region
- Luxembourg
Se souvenir de l'extermination Nazi à travers le théâtre
Soutien de la pièce « Eichmann », qui explore le rôle de Robert Eichmann dans l'extermination Nazi à travers une intervention théâtrale au Théâtre National du Luxembourg.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Mazalbert
- Region
- Luxembourg, France, Germany
Prix d'Excellence 2022
The Fondation Enovos awarded the 11th "Prix d'Excellence" during a special ceremony on October 28th, 2022.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Scholarship 2021
The Foundation awards annual scholarships to students residing in Luxembourg, enrolled in at least their second year of higher education, and pursuing studies in Architecture or Fine Arts leading to a recognised higher education degree.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth , Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Scholarship 2022
The Foundation awards annual scholarships to students residing in Luxembourg, enrolled in at least their second year of higher education, and pursuing studies in Architecture or Fine Arts leading to a recognised higher education degree.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth , Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Dons au musée d'Orléans
Palma le Jeune (c1548-1628), La Naissance de la Vierge
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art , Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Dons au musée Jean de La Fontaine
Un portrait présumé de Jean de La Fontaine, par l'artiste Gabriel Revel (1643-1712).
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
2022 Science for Society Prize Empowering Evidence-Informed Public Debates
During a ceremony on March 28th, 2023 the second annual Science for Society Prize was awarded to the Research Luxembourg COVID-19 Task Force, represented by Prof. Paul Wilmes of the University of Luxembourg.
- Themes
- Health and Research
- Focus area
- Research , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Science for Society Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Dons au musée des Arts décoratifs
Une paire de coupes en carton laqué rouge
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
‘State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda’ – a traveling exhibition made accessible to a wider public
The exhibition was created by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., and has been in Luxembourg since 2019, when it was first shown at the Abbaye de Neumënster.
- Themes
- Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Mazalbert
- Region
- Israel
Exhibition of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye at Mudam
In 2022, the Loo & Lou Foundation supported the exhibition, Fly In League With The Night, of the artist Lynette Yiadom-Boakye at Mudam.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Loo & Lou Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Call for applications Prix d'Excellence 2023
The Fondation Enovos is now accepting applications for the 12th edition of the "Prix d'Excellence"
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Research , Renewable Energies , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
Call for submissions: Logo design competition
The foundation invites young graphic designers and artists to submit their most colorful and creative designs that could serve as the foundation’s new visual identity.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Sled dog adventure in Laponia helps troubled teens discover their strengths
Between the Ounaasjoki river and the Pallas highlands, 150 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, a group of teenagers discover their hidden strengths while overcoming the challenges of extreme conditions.
- Themes
- Poverty and Social Cohesion
- Focus area
- Children & Youth
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg, Finland
The Meaning of Worlds: An installation by Flo Arnold in Metz
The Loo & Lou Foundation supports the artist Flo Arnold during the 2023 Constellations festival in Metz.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Loo & Lou Foundation
- Region
- France
Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Scholarship 2023
The Foundation awards annual scholarships to students residing in Luxembourg, enrolled in at least their second year of higher education, and pursuing studies in Architecture or Fine Arts leading to a recognised higher education degree.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity, Universal Education
- Focus area
- Education , Children & Youth , Art
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- The Auguste van Werveke-Hanno Foundation
- Region
- Luxembourg
Fondation Pierre Werner 2023 Scholarships
The Fondation Pierre Werner scholarships are intended to support research and study projects relating to European unification, monetary matters, democracy or human rights in all countries of the European continent.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Pierre Werner
- Region
- Luxembourg
Prix d'Excellence 2023
The Fondation Enovos awarded the 12th "Prix d'Excellence" during a special ceremony on October 27th, 2023.
- Themes
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Focus area
- Research , Renewable Energies , Education
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation Enovos
- Region
- Luxembourg
L'assiette de Jean Limosin, acquise grâce à la Fondation La Marck, en exposition au Louvre
En 2020, la Fondation La Marck a soutenu l'acquisition d'une assiette émaillée pour le département des Objets d’Art du musée du Louvre. Le don a entraîné toute une recherche sur l'auteur de l'assiette, Jean Limosin, en coopération avec le Nationalmuseum de Stockholm. Il a eu aussi une suite particulièrement gratifiante pour le mécène : une exposition-dossier en 2023.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Draguignan
Une acquisition pour le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Draguignan, musée de France.
- Themes
- Culture and Diversity
- Focus area
- Philanthropy , Art , Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Status
- Completed project
- Parent foundation
- Fondation La Marck
- Region
- France